Iowa Alumni Communities and Affiliated Groups

Iowa graduates with shared connections are invited to join an alumni community. Some of these organizations are an extension of student activities, while others connect alumni with shared experiences and identities. These groups are different from Iowa Clubs, which are organized based on where Hawkeyes live in the U.S. and across the globe.

If you are interested in applying for a leadership position, please submit an application.

Interested in starting a new alumni community? You can learn more about alumni communities and the process by reading our Alumni Communities Frequently Asked Questions.

Interest Communities


Former Hawkeye Marching Band members are invited to carry on beloved music traditions such as “Hey Jude” and the “Victory Polka” by joining Alumni Band. Members receive e-newsletter updates and may return for the Alumni Band reunion each fall during University of Iowa Homecoming.

Dance Marathon Alumni Group

Past Dance Marathon participants who danced for 24 hours and raised money For The Kids (FTK) are invited to join the Dance Marathon Alumni Group (DMAG). By joining, alumni can help strengthen University of Iowa Dance Marathon and continue to support pediatric cancer patients and their families at University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. Members receive e-newsletter updates and are welcomed back to campus to participate in the Big Event.

Iowa Spirit Squad Affinity Group

The Iowa Spirit Squad Affinity Group creates lasting connections between Spirit Squad alumni, current Spirit Squad teams, and the University of Iowa Athletics Department. Past members of the Iowa Cheerleaders, Iowa Dance Team, and former Herky mascots are encouraged to get involved with the Iowa Spirit Squad Alumni Affinity Group.

Identity Communities

Gold Leadership Group

Recent graduates who earned a degree from the University of Iowa within the last decade are invited to join the Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Leadership Group. Members advocate for the interests of recent alumni and provide advice on the best methods to engage their peers.

Iowa Black Alumni Association

The Iowa Black Alumni Association promotes the general mission of the University of Iowa and strives to acknowledge and recognize Black students and alumni for their achievement and service. The group also fosters careers, provides educational opportunities, and enhances social and economic conditions.

Iowa Women’s Alumni Network

Alumnae and other women affiliated with the University of Iowa are invited to join the Iowa Women's Alumni Network. This group supports members’ personal and professional growth by fostering relationships and provides leadership, education, mentoring, and networking opportunities.

Latino-Native American Alumni Alliance

The Latino-Native American Alumni Alliance works to support Latino and Native American students and alumni and provides a supportive voice for issues relating to these groups.

Hawkeye Pride

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and allied alumni are invited to join Hawkeye Pride. It serves as a supportive and professional network that fosters a sense of pride and commitment to the University of Iowa. The group also provides educational resources on LGBTQ+ issues, networking and social events, and supports current students.

UI Veterans Association Group

The UI Veterans Association Group is a virtual network that serves and connects alumni and students who have served in the military. Members receive updates about campus activities and resources.

Affiliated Groups

Iowa Black Alumni Network

The Iowa Black Alumni Network (IBAN) works to connect Black alumni with current students by providing networking opportunities for alumni across the decades. Alumni can also support students’ social, educational, and professional growth. Members receive e-newsletter updates and are invited to attend regional events and reunions.

Mighty Hawkeye Battalion Alumni Association (MHBAA)

UI Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) alumni are invited to join the Mighty Hawkeye Battalion Alumni Association (MHBAA). This group promotes the Army ROTC program in the University of Iowa Department of Military Science. Members can engage with current students, as well as former classmates, and receive ROTC and MHBAA updates.

UI Scottish Highlanders Alumni & Friends Group (UISHAFG)

This group serves former Scottish Highlanders, along with their family and friends, while preserving the program's legacy and rich UI history.

Iowa Magazine
Explore the latest stories from Iowa Magazine.
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The University of Iowa trailblazer remains a revered figure on the campus that launched his career on the football field and in the courtroom.

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The UIVA Alumni Organization serves and connects alumni and students who share the common bond of military service.

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